Thursday, March 24, 2011

Organising Instruction Booklets and Warranties

This organising project has come about by neccessity. :)
After our flooding downstairs we were left with instruction booklets and warranty forms scattered all around the place. I had previously kept them all in various baskets and boxes and it was a real nuisance not having them in one central space.
I found this $3 solution at the Clearance Shed! These clear file folders are fantastic as they are divided into sections whch can be labelled in any way you want.
I have sorted mine into categories that suit our family and gathered in all our important warranty documentation and instruction books into one central file.
This system has been working very well for us as we no longer need to go rifling through boxes to find what we are looking for. It is also great if you are selling any larger items as you also seem to get a greater return on your money if you include the original documentation with the goods...a little Trademe tip for you! lol.

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