Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Project Life Tuesday: Special Notes

Project Life Tuesday for today is something close to my heart..special notes.
Rosie and Harry both love to write little notes to me (well, Harry can't write yet, he draws!) and I often find them in all sorts of places. On this day I came home after a long day at work and I could see that the kids were fussing around something on the table. When I went to investigate, this is what I found!
They had picked me some "flowers" from the garden and wrote me this little note. After a rough day of all day morning sickness, fatigue and work, this was just the thing to perk me up. I love being a mum!
Challenge for Project Lifers: Take a snapshot of a special note from someone you love. :)


Shazza Hazza said...

So lovely:)

Tui B said...

Cute hey. Kids can be so sweet at times. It's like they know when I need cheering up!